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Edit detail for Manipulating Expressions revision 4 of 6

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Editor: Bill Page
Time: 2008/08/21 07:44:13 GMT-7
Note: rewrite rules

-sincosAngles:= rule ( _
-   cos((n | integer?(n)) * x) == _
-      cos((n - 1)*x) * cos(x) - sin((n - 1)*x) * sin(x); _
-   sin((n | integer?(n)) * x) == _
-      sin((n - 1)*x) * cos(x) + cos((n - 1)*x) * sin(x) )
sincosAngles:= rule
   cos((n | integer?(n)) * x) ==
      cos((n - 1)*x) * cos(x) - sin((n - 1)*x) * sin(x)
   sin((n | integer?(n)) * x) ==
      sin((n - 1)*x) * cos(x) + cos((n - 1)*x) * sin(x)

The domain InputForm can be quite useful for manipulating parts
of expressions. For example

ex1:=integrate(log(x)+x, x)
\begin{equation} \label{eq1}{{2 \ x \ {\log \left({x}\right)}}+{{x}^{2}}-{2 \ x}}\over 2\end{equation}
Type: Union(Expression(Integer),...)
\begin{equation} \label{eq2}\left(/ \ {\left(+ \ {\left( \ {\left( \ 2 \ x \right)}\ {\left(\log \ x \right)}\right)}\ {\left(+ \ {\left(^\ x \ 2 \right)}\ {\left( \ - 2 \ x \right)}\right)}\right)}\ 2 \right)\end{equation*}
Type: InputForm?
\begin{equation} \label{eq3}2 \ x \ {\log \left({x}\right)}\end{equation}
Type: Expression(Integer)

If you would like to do this with a more common type of expression and hide the details, you can define

op(n,x) == interpret((x::InputForm).(n+1))
Type: Void

Then manipulating expressions looks like this:

Compiling function op with type (PositiveInteger,Expression(Integer)
      ) -> Any
\begin{equation} \label{eq4}{2 \ x \ {\log \left({x}\right)}}+{{x}^{2}}-{2 \ x}\end{equation}
Type: Expression(Integer)
Compiling function op with type (PositiveInteger,Any) -> Any
\begin{equation} \label{eq5}2 \ x \ {\log \left({x}\right)}\end{equation}
Type: Expression(Integer)
\begin{equation} \label{eq6}{{2 \ x \ {\log \left({x}\right)}}-{{x}^{2}}+{2 \ x}}\over 2\end{equation}
Type: Expression(Integer)

Rules and Pattern Matching (from WesterProblemSet?)

Trigonometric manipulations---these are typically difficult for students

r:= cos(3*x)/cos(x)
\begin{equation} \label{eq7}{\cos \left({3 \ x}\right)}\over{\cos \left({x}\right)}\end{equation}
Type: Expression(Integer)

=> cos(x)^2 - 3 sin(x)^2 or similar

\begin{equation} \label{eq8}-{2 \ {{\sin \left({x}\right)}^{2}}}+{2 \ {{\cos \left({x}\right)}^{2}}}- 1\end{equation}
Type: Expression(Integer)

=> 2 cos(2 x) - 1

\begin{equation} \label{eq9}{2 \ {\cos \left({2 \ x}\right)}}- 1\end{equation}
Type: Expression(Integer)

Use rewrite rules => cos(x)^2 - 3 sin(x)^2

sincosAngles:= rule
   cos((n | integer?(n)) * x) ==
      cos((n - 1)*x) * cos(x) - sin((n - 1)*x) * sin(x)
   sin((n | integer?(n)) * x) ==
      sin((n - 1)*x) * cos(x) + cos((n - 1)*x) * sin(x)
\begin{equation*} \label{eq10}\begin{array}{@{}l} \displaystyle \left\{{{\cos \left({n \ x}\right)}\mbox{\rm = =}{-{{\sin \left({x}\right)}\ {\sin \left({{\left(n - 1 \right)}\ x}\right)}}+{{\cos \left({x}\right)}\ {\cos \left({{\left(n - 1 \right)}\ x}\right)}}}}, \right. \ \ \displaystyle \left.\:{{\sin \left({n \ x}\right)}\mbox{\rm = =}{{{\cos \left({x}\right)}\ {\sin \left({{\left(n - 1 \right)}\ x}\right)}}+{{\cos \left({{\left(n - 1 \right)}\ x}\right)}\ {\sin \left({x}\right)}}}}\right\} \end{array} \end{equation*}
Type: Ruleset(Integer,Integer,Expression(Integer))

sincosAngles r
\begin{equation} \label{eq11}-{3 \ {{\sin \left({x}\right)}^{2}}}+{{\cos \left({x}\right)}^{2}}\end{equation}
Type: Expression(Integer)

Other Operations

The domain FunctionSpace? includes the following operations:

    isExpt(p,f:Symbol) returns [x, n] if p = x**n and n <> 0 and x = f(a)
    isExpt(p,op:BasicOperator) returns [x, n] if p = x**n and n <> 0 and x = op(a)
    isExpt(p) returns [x, n] if p = x**n and n <> 0
    isMult(p) returns [n, x] if p = n * x and n <> 0
    isPlus(p) returns [m1,...,mn] if p = m1 +...+ mn and n > 1
    isPower(p) returns [x, n] if p = x**n and n <> 0
    isTimes(p) returns [a1,...,an] if p = a1*...*an and n > 1

If these conditions are not met, then the above operations return "failed".

For example,

\begin{equation*} \label{eq12}\left[{coef = 3}, \:{var = x}\right]?\end{equation*}
Type: Union(Record(coef: Integer,var: Kernel(Expression(Integer))),...)


\begin{equation} \label{eq13}\mbox{\tt "failed"}\end{equation}
Type: Union("failed",...)

In the context of Expression Integer, or Polynomial Integer the parameter n must be an Integer. The Symbol y is not an Integer.

Not exactly analogously

There are no library operations named ** Use HyperDoc Browse or issue )what op ** to learn if there is any operation containing " ** " in its name.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named ** with argument type(s) Variable(x) Variable(y)
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type, or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.


There are no library operations named ** Use HyperDoc Browse or issue )what op ** to learn if there is any operation containing " ** " in its name.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named ** with argument type(s) Variable(x) PositiveInteger
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type, or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.

In the first case the Integer is assume to be 1.

We have:

\begin{equation*} \label{eq14}\left[ z , \: y , \: x \right]?\end{equation*}
Type: Union(List(Polynomial(Integer)),...)
\begin{equation*} \label{eq15}\left[{y \ z}, \: y , \: x \right]?\end{equation*}
Type: Union(List(Polynomial(Integer)),...)


\begin{equation} \label{eq16}\mbox{\tt "failed"}\end{equation}
Type: Union("failed",...)

That is because the expression is internally treated as a MultivariatePolynomial like this:

\begin{equation} \label{eq17}{z \ x}+{z \ y}\end{equation}
Type: MultivariatePolynomial?([x,y,z],Integer)

If you say:

\begin{equation*} \label{eq18}\left[{y \ z}, \:{x \ z}\right]?\end{equation*}
Type: Union(List(Polynomial(Integer)),...)

perhaps the result makes sense?

For some of the details of these operations I consulted the actual algebra code at:


Click on pdf or dvi to see the documentation.

You can also enter expressions like isTimes in the search box on the upper right and see all the places in the algebra where this operation is defined and used.

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