\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra axserver.spad} \author{Arthur C. Ralfs} \maketitle \begin{abstract} The AxiomServer package is designed to provide a web interface to axiom. \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{Lisp preliminaries} Extract the lisp to a file named, say, http.lisp with the command \begin{verbatim} notangle -RServer$\backslash$ Lisp axserver.pamphlet > http.lisp \end{verbatim} <>= ;; file: http.lisp (defun |Open| (path) (si::open path :direction :input :if-exists nil :if-does-not-exist nil) ) (defvar |StandardOutput| *standard-output*) (defvar |NewLine| '#\NewLine) (defun |WriteLine| (string &optional (outstream *standard-output*)) (write-line string outstream) (finish-output outstream) ) ;; some regexp stuff (defun |StringMatch| (s1 s2) (si::string-match s1 s2) ) (defun |ListMatches| (&rest args) (si::list-matches args) ) (defun |MatchBeginning| (i) (si::match-beginning i) ) (defun |MatchEnd| (i) (si::match-end i) ) ;; the socket stuff (defun |SiSock| (p spadfn) ;; (format t "SiSocket-1") (si::socket p :server (function (lambda (w) (SPADCALL w spadfn) ) ) :daemon nil) ) (defun |SiListen| (s) ;; (format t "SiListen-1") (si::listen s) ) (defun |SiAccept| (s) (si::accept s)) (defun |SiCopyStream| (q s) (si::copy-stream q s)) ;; Camm Maguire's modified demo server (defun foo (s) (setq get "" pathvar "") (do ((c (read-char s) (read-char s))) ((eq c '#\Space)) (setq get (concat get (string c))) ) (write-line "get: ") (write-line get) (do ((c (read-char s) (read-char s nil 'the-end))) ((eq c '#\Space)) (setq pathvar (concat pathvar (string c))) ) (write-line "pathvar: ") (write-line pathvar) (when pathvar (if (pathname-name (pathname pathvar)) (with-open-file (q pathvar) (si::copy-stream q s)) (dolist (l (directory pathvar)) (format s "~a~%" (namestring l))) ) ) (close s) ) (defun bar (p fn) (let ((s (si::socket p :server fn))) (tagbody l (when (si::listen s) (let ((w (si::accept s))) (foo w))) (sleep 10000) (go l)))) ;;(bar 8080 #'foo) @ \section{Axiom Server} Extract the AxiomServer package with the command \begin{verbatim} notangle axserver.pamphlet > axserver.spad \end{verbatim} <>= )abbrev package AXSERV AxiomServer AxiomServer: public == private where public == with axServer: (Integer, SExpression->Void) -> Void multiServ: SExpression -> Void private == add getFile: (SExpression,String) -> Void getCommand: (SExpression,String) -> Void lastStep: () -> String lastType: () -> String formatMessages: String -> String getContentType: String -> String axServer(port:Integer,serverfunc:SExpression->Void):Void == WriteLine("socketServer")$Lisp s := SiSock(port,serverfunc)$Lisp -- To listen for just one connection and then close the socket -- uncomment i := 0. i:Integer := 1 while (i > 0) repeat if not null?(SiListen(s)$Lisp)$SExpression then w := SiAccept(s)$Lisp serverfunc(w) -- i := 0 multiServ(s:SExpression):Void == WriteLine("multiServ begin")$Lisp headers:String := "" char:String -- read in the http headers while (char := STRING(READ_-CHAR_-NO_-HANG(s,NIL$Lisp,'EOF)$Lisp)$Lisp) ^= "EOF" and char ^= "NIL" repeat -- WriteLine$Lisp "multiServ while"char headers := concat [headers,char] WriteLine$Lisp headers StringMatch("([^ ]*)", headers)$Lisp u:UniversalSegment(Integer) u := segment(MatchBeginning(1)$Lisp+1,MatchEnd(1)$Lisp)$UniversalSegment(Integer) reqtype:String := headers.u WriteLine$Lisp concat ["request type: ",reqtype] if reqtype = "GET" then StringMatch("GET ([^ ]*)",headers)$Lisp u:UniversalSegment(Integer) u := segment(MatchBeginning(1)$Lisp+1,MatchEnd(1)$Lisp)$UniversalSegment(Integer) getFile(s,headers.u) if reqtype = "POST" then StringMatch("command=(.*)$",headers)$Lisp u:UniversalSegment(Integer) u := segment(MatchBeginning(1)$Lisp+1,MatchEnd(1)$Lisp)$UniversalSegment(Integer) getCommand(s,headers.u) WriteLine("multiServ end")$Lisp WriteLine("")$Lisp getFile(s:SExpression,pathvar:String):Void == WriteLine("")$Lisp WriteLine("getFile")$Lisp if not null? PATHNAME_-NAME(PATHNAME(pathvar)$Lisp)$Lisp then -- display contents of file --first determine Content-Type from file extension contentType:String := getContentType(pathvar) q:=Open(pathvar)$Lisp if null? q then q := MAKE_-STRING_-INPUT_-STREAM("File doesn't exist")$Lisp WriteLine("File does not exist.")$Lisp else q:=MAKE_-STRING_-INPUT_-STREAM("Problem with file path")$Lisp file:String := "" WriteLine("begin reading file")$Lisp r := MAKE_-STRING_-OUTPUT_-STREAM()$Lisp SiCopyStream(q,r)$Lisp filestream:String := GET_-OUTPUT_-STREAM_-STRING(r)$Lisp CLOSE(r)$Lisp CLOSE(q)$Lisp WriteLine("end reading file")$Lisp filelength:String := string(#filestream) file := concat ["Content-Length: ",filelength,STRING(NewLine$Lisp)$Lisp,STRING(NewLine$Lisp)$Lisp,file] file := concat ["Connection: close",STRING(NewLine$Lisp)$Lisp,file] file := concat ["Content-Type: ",contentType,STRING(NewLine$Lisp)$Lisp,file] file := concat ["HTTP/1.1 200 OK",STRING(NewLine$Lisp)$Lisp,file] file := concat [file,filestream] f:=MAKE_-STRING_-INPUT_-STREAM(file)$Lisp SiCopyStream(f,s)$Lisp CLOSE(f)$Lisp CLOSE(s)$Lisp WriteLine("getFile end")$Lisp WriteLine("")$Lisp getCommand(s:SExpression,command:String):Void == WriteLine$Lisp concat ["getCommand: ",command] SETQ(tmpmathml$Lisp, MAKE_-STRING_-OUTPUT_-STREAM()$Lisp)$Lisp SETQ(tmpalgebra$Lisp, MAKE_-STRING_-OUTPUT_-STREAM()$Lisp)$Lisp SETQ(savemathml$Lisp, _$texOutputStream$Lisp)$Lisp SETQ(savealgebra$Lisp, _$algebraOutputStream$Lisp)$Lisp SETQ(_$texOutputStream$Lisp,tmpmathml$Lisp)$Lisp SETQ(_$algebraOutputStream$Lisp,tmpalgebra$Lisp)$Lisp -- parseAndInterpret$Lisp command -- parseAndEvalStr$Lisp command -- The previous two commands don't exit nicely when a syntactically incorrect command is -- given to them. They somehow need to be wrapped in CATCH statements but I haven't -- figured out how to do this. parseAndEvalToStringEqNum uses the following CATCH -- statements to call parseAndEvalStr but when I try these they don't work. I get a -- "NIL is not a valid identifier to use in AXIOM" message. Using parseAndEvalToStringEqNum -- works and doesn't crash on a syntax error. -- v := CATCH('SPAD__READER, CATCH('top__level, parseAndEvalStr$Lisp command)$Lisp)$Lisp -- v = 'restart => ['"error"] ans := string parseAndEvalToStringEqNum$Lisp command SETQ(resultmathml$Lisp,GET_-OUTPUT_-STREAM_-STRING(_$texOutputStream$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp SETQ(resultalgebra$Lisp,GET_-OUTPUT_-STREAM_-STRING(_$algebraOutputStream$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp SETQ(_$texOutputStream$Lisp,savemathml$Lisp)$Lisp SETQ(_$algebraOutputStream$Lisp,savealgebra$Lisp)$Lisp CLOSE(tmpmathml$Lisp)$Lisp CLOSE(tmpalgebra$Lisp)$Lisp -- Since strings returned from axiom are going to be displayed in html I -- should really check for the characters &,<,> and replace them with -- &,<,>. At present I only check for ampersands in formatMessages. mathml:String := string(resultmathml$Lisp) algebra:String := string(resultalgebra$Lisp) algebra := formatMessages(algebra) -- At this point mathml contains the mathml for the output but does not -- include step number or type information. We should also save the command. -- I get the type and step number from the $internalHistoryTable -- axans:String := concat ["
(",lastStep(),") -> ",command,"
Type: ",lastType(),"
"] axans:String := concat ["
", lastStep(), "
", command, "
"] WriteLine$Lisp concat ["mathml answer: ",mathml] WriteLine$Lisp concat ["algebra answer: ",algebra] q:=MAKE_-STRING_-INPUT_-STREAM(axans)$Lisp SiCopyStream(q,s)$Lisp CLOSE(q)$Lisp CLOSE(s)$Lisp lastType():String == -- to examine the $internalHistoryTable uncomment the following lines WriteLine$Lisp "lastType begin" -- WriteLine$Lisp string _$internalHistoryTable$Lisp -- need to pick out first member of internalHistoryTable and then pick out -- the element with % as first element, here's an example showing just -- the first element of the list, which correponds to the last command. -- Note that the last command does not necessarily correspond to the last -- element of the first element of $internalHistoryTable as it is in this -- example. --( -- (4 NIL -- (x (value (BasicOperator) WRAPPED . #)) -- (y (value (BasicOperator) WRAPPED . #)) -- (% (value (Matrix (Polynomial (Integer))) WRAPPED . #)) -- ) --... --) -- Also need to check for input error in which case the $internalHistoryTable -- is not changed and the type retrieved would be that for the last correct -- input. SETQ(first$Lisp,FIRST(_$internalHistoryTable$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp count:Integer := 0 hisLength:Integer := LIST_-LENGTH(_$internalHistoryTable$Lisp)$Lisp length:Integer := LIST_-LENGTH(first$Lisp)$Lisp -- This initializes stepSav. The test is a bit of a hack, maybe I'll -- figure out the right way to do it later. if string stepSav$Lisp = "#" then SETQ(stepSav$Lisp, 0$Lisp)$Lisp -- If hisLength = 0 then the history table has been reset to NIL -- and we're starting numbering over if hisLength = 0 then SETQ(stepSav$Lisp, 0$Lisp)$Lisp if hisLength > 0 and CAR(CAR(_$internalHistoryTable$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp ^= stepSav$Lisp then SETQ(stepSav$Lisp, CAR(CAR(_$internalHistoryTable$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp while count < length repeat position(char "%",string FIRST(first$Lisp)$Lisp) = 2 => count := length+1 count := count +1 SETQ(first$Lisp,REST(first$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp count = length + 1 => string SECOND(SECOND(FIRST(first$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp "" lastStep():String == string CAR(CAR(_$internalHistoryTable$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp formatMessages(str:String):String == WriteLine("formatMessages")$Lisp -- I need to replace any ampersands with & and may also need to -- replace < and > with < and > strlist:List String WriteLine$Lisp "formatMessages1" WriteLine(str)$Lisp strlist := split(str,char "&") str := "" -- oops, if & is the last character in the string this method -- will eliminate it. Need to redo this. for s in strlist repeat str := concat [str,s,"&"] strlen:Integer := #str str := str.(1..(#str - 5)) WriteLine$Lisp "formatMessages2" -- WriteLine(str)$Lisp -- Here I split the string into lines and put each line in a "div". WriteLine$Lisp "formatMessages2.1" strlist := split(str, char string NewLine$Lisp) WriteLine$Lisp "formatMessages3" str := "" WriteLine("formatMessages4")$Lisp WriteLine(concat strlist)$Lisp for s in strlist repeat WriteLine(s)$Lisp str := concat [str,"
"] WriteLine("formatMessages5")$Lisp str getContentType(pathvar:String):String == WriteLine("getContentType begin")$Lisp -- set default content type contentType:String := "text/plain" -- need to test for successful match? StringMatch(".*\.(.*)$", pathvar)$Lisp u:UniversalSegment(Integer) u := segment(MatchBeginning(1)$Lisp+1,MatchEnd(1)$Lisp)$UniversalSegment(Integer) extension:String := pathvar.u WriteLine$Lisp concat ["file extension: ",extension] -- test for extensions: html, htm, xml, xhtml, js, css if extension = "html" then contentType:String := "text/html" else if extension = "htm" then contentType:String := "text/html" else if extension = "xml" then contentType:String := "text/xml" else if extension = "xhtml" then contentType:String := "application/xhtml+xml" else if extension = "js" then contentType:String := "text/javascript" else if extension = "css" then contentType:String := "text/css" else if extension = "png" then contentType:String := "image/png" else if extension = "jpg" then contentType:String := "image/jpeg" else if extension = "jpeg" then contentType:String := "image/jpeg" WriteLine$Lisp concat ["Content-Type: ",contentType] WriteLine("getContentType end")$Lisp contentType @ \section{Running Axiom Server} Put the extracted files in a suitable directory, like the one you started Axiom from, and issue the commands: )set output mathml on )lisp (load "http.lisp") )compile axserver axServer(8085,multiServ\$AXSERV) Of course you need a mathml enabled build of axiom to do this. You may also want to issue the command )set messages autoload off before starting the Axiom server. or you can run inside axiom: )read axserver.input \subsection{axserver.input} <>= )set mes auto off )set out mathml on )lisp (load "http.lisp") )compile axserver.spad axServer(8085, multiServ)$AXSERV @ \section{License} <>= --Copyright (c) 2007 Arthur C. Ralfs --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of Arthur C. Ralfs nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <> <> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}