\documentclass{article} %%% ==================================================================== %%% @LaTeX-file{ %%% filename = "symbols.tex", %%% version = "2.00", %%% date = "12 June 1992", %%% time = "17:19:25 BST", %%% author = "David Carlisle", %%% address = "Computer Science Department %%% Manchester University %%% Oxford Road %%% Manchester %%% England %%% M13 9PL", %%% telephone = "+44 61 275 6139", %%% FAX = "+44 61 275 6236", %%% checksum = "15177 476 1350 17118", %%% email = "carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk (Internet)", %%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %%% keywords = "LaTeX, NFSS, AMSFonts, symbols", %%% supported = "yes", %%% docstring = " %%% %%% symbols.tex %%% %%% A listing of all the standard LaTeX, and AMS symbols. %%% and Math Alphabets. %%% %%% If used with NFSS, It requires amssymb.sty and AMSFonts. %%% If used without NFSS, It does not show the AMS Fonts. %%% %%% The checksum field above was produced by %%% Robert Solovay's checksum utility.", %%% } %%% ==================================================================== \ifx\selectfont\undefined % Old Style LaTeX \documentstyle{article} \else % NFSS-specific code % You never noticed did you! \count18=3 % Well I am not supposed to know what \count18 is % used for, but if this wasn't here, you would have % to use a format based on basefont.tex \documentstyle[amssymb]{article} % Cyrillic and Script are done like this to save on the bold math % groups. Otherwise this document can only be processed by a format % based on basefont.tex % If you do not want these *and* all the AMS stuff, you can use % euscript and dpccyr style options to get these fonts, but then you % run out of math groups (you can only have 16) unless your latex is % based on basefont.tex. % If your format is based on fontdef.max, you do not need % these \new@fontshape commands, but they will not do any harm. \makeatletter \new@fontshape{UWCyr}{m}{n}{% <5>wncyr5% <6>wncyr6% <7>wncyr7% <8>wncyr8% <9>wncyr9% <10>wncyr10% <11>wncyr10 at10.95pt% <12>wncyr10 at12pt% <14>wncyr10 at14.4pt% <17>wncyr10 at17.28pt% <20>wncyr10 at20.74pt% <25>wncyr10 at24.88pt}{} \new@fontshape{eus}{m}{n}{% <5>eusm5% <6>eusm6% <7>eusm7% <8>eusm8% <9>eusm9% <10>eusm10% <11>eusm10 at10.95pt% <12>eusm10 at12pt% <14>eusm10 at14.4pt% <17>eusm10 at17.28pt% <20>eusm10 at20.74pt% <25>eusm10 at24.88pt}{} \makeatother \newmathalphabet{\mathcyr} \addtoversion{normal}{\mathcyr}{UWCyr}{m}{n} \newmathalphabet{\EuScript} \addtoversion{normal}{\EuScript}{eus}{m}{n} % A few symbols omitted from amssymb.sty \newsymbol\Finv 2060 \newsymbol\Game 2061 \newsymbol\Bbbk 207C \newsymbol\diagup 231E \newsymbol\diagdown 231F \newsymbol\nsucceqq 230F % \fi % end of NFSS-specific code % Math-mode symbol & verbatim \def\W#1#2{$#1{#2}$ &\tt\string#1\string{#2\string}} \def\X#1{$#1$ &\tt\string#1} \def\Y#1{$\big#1$ &\tt\string#1} \def\Z#1{\tt\string#1} % A non-floating table environment. \makeatletter \renewenvironment{table}% {\vskip\intextsep\parskip\z@ \vbox\bgroup\centering\def\@captype{table}}% {\egroup\vskip\intextsep} \makeatother % All the tables are \label'ed in case this document ever gets some % explanatory text written, however there are no \refs as yet. To save % LaTeX-ing the file twice we go: \renewcommand{\label}[1]{} % A4 page setup \topmargin -45pt \textwidth=532pt \oddsidemargin=-40pt \evensidemargin\oddsidemargin \textheight 682pt \begin{document} \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{*8l} \X\alpha &\X\theta &\X o &\X\tau \\ \X\beta &\X\vartheta &\X\pi &\X\upsilon \\ \X\gamma &\X\gamma &\X\varpi &\X\phi \\ \X\delta &\X\kappa &\X\rho &\X\varphi \\ \X\epsilon &\X\lambda &\X\varrho &\X\chi \\ \X\varepsilon &\X\mu &\X\sigma &\X\psi \\ \X\zeta &\X\nu &\X\varsigma &\X\omega \\ \X\eta &\X\xi \\ \\ \X\Gamma &\X\Lambda &\X\Sigma &\X\Psi \\ \X\Delta &\X\Xi &\X\Upsilon &\X\Omega \\ \X\Theta &\X\Pi &\X\Phi \end{tabular} \caption{Greek Letters}\label{greek} \end{table} \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{*8l} \X\pm &\X\cap &\X\diamond &\X\oplus \\ \X\mp &\X\cup &\X\bigtriangleup &\X\ominus \\ \X\times &\X\uplus &\X\bigtriangledown &\X\otimes \\ \X\div &\X\sqcap &\X\triangleleft &\X\oslash \\ \X\ast &\X\sqcup &\X\triangleright &\X\odot \\ \X\star &\X\vee &\X\lhd$^b$ &\X\bigcirc \\ \X\circ &\X\wedge &\X\rhd$^b$ &\X\dagger \\ \X\bullet &\X\setminus &\X\unlhd$^b$ &\X\ddagger \\ \X\cdot &\X\wr &\X\unrhd$^b$ &\X\amalg \\ \X+ &\X- \end{tabular} $^b$ Not predefined in a format based on {\tt basefont.tex}. Use one of the style options\\ {\tt oldlfont}, {\tt newlfont}, {\tt amsfonts} or {\tt amssymb}. \caption{Binary Operation Symbols}\label{bin} \end{table} \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{*8l} \X\leq &\X\geq &\X\equiv &\X\models \\ \X\prec &\X\succ &\X\sim &\X\perp \\ \X\preceq &\X\succeq &\X\simeq &\X\mid \\ \X\ll &\X\gg &\X\asymp &\X\parallel \\ \X\subset &\X\supset &\X\approx &\X\bowtie \\ \X\subseteq &\X\supseteq &\X\cong &\X\Join$^b$ \\ \X\sqsubset$^b$ &\X\sqsupset$^b$&\X\neq &\X\smile \\ \X\sqsubseteq &\X\sqsupseteq &\X\doteq &\X\frown \\ \X\in &\X\ni &\X\propto &\X= \\ \X\vdash &\X\dashv &\X< &\X> \\ \X: \end{tabular} $^b$ Not predefined in a format based on {\tt basefont.tex}. Use one of the style options\\ {\tt oldlfont}, {\tt newlfont}, {\tt amsfonts} or {\tt amssymb}. \caption{Relation Symbols}\label{rel} \end{table} \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{*{5}{lp{3.2em}}} \X, &\X; &\X\colon &\X\ldotp &\X\cdotp \end{tabular} \caption{Punctuation Symbols}\label{punct} \end{table} \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{*6l} \X\leftarrow &\X\longleftarrow &\X\uparrow \\ \X\Leftarrow &\X\Longleftarrow &\X\Uparrow \\ \X\rightarrow &\X\longrightarrow &\X\downarrow \\ \X\Rightarrow &\X\Longrightarrow &\X\Downarrow \\ \X\leftrightarrow &\X\longleftrightarrow &\X\updownarrow \\ \X\Leftrightarrow &\X\Longleftrightarrow &\X\Updownarrow \\ \X\mapsto &\X\longmapsto &\X\nearrow \\ \X\hookleftarrow &\X\hookrightarrow &\X\searrow \\ \X\leftharpoonup &\X\rightharpoonup &\X\swarrow \\ \X\leftharpoondown &\X\rightharpoondown &\X\nwarrow \\ \X\rightleftharpoons &\X\leadsto$^b$ \end{tabular} $^b$ Not predefined in a format based on {\tt basefont.tex}. Use one of the style options\\ {\tt oldlfont}, {\tt newlfont}, {\tt amsfonts} or {\tt amssymb}. \caption{Arrow Symbols} \end{table} \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{*8l} \X\ldots &\X\cdots &\X\vdots &\X\ddots \\ \X\aleph &\X\prime &\X\forall &\X\infty \\ \X\hbar &\X\emptyset &\X\exists &\X\Box$^b$ \\ \X\imath &\X\nabla &\X\neg &\X\Diamond$^b$ \\ \X\jmath &\X\surd &\X\flat &\X\triangle \\ \X\ell &\X\top &\X\natural &\X\clubsuit \\ \X\wp &\X\bot &\X\sharp &\X\diamondsuit \\ \X\Re &\X\| &\X\backslash &\X\heartsuit \\ \X\Im &\X\angle &\X\partial &\X\spadesuit \\ \X\mho$^b$ &\X. &\X| \end{tabular} $^b$ Not predefined in a format based on {\tt basefont.tex}. Use one of the style options\\ {\tt oldlfont}, {\tt newlfont}, {\tt amsfonts} or {\tt amssymb}. \caption{Miscellaneous Symbols}\label{ord} \end{table} \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{*6l} \X\sum &\X\bigcap &\X\bigodot \\ \X\prod &\X\bigcup &\X\bigotimes \\ \X\coprod &\X\bigsqcup &\X\bigoplus \\ \X\int &\X\bigvee &\X\biguplus \\ \X\oint &\X\bigwedge \end{tabular} \caption{Variable-sized Symbols}\label{op} \end{table} \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{*8l} \Z\arccos &\Z\cos &\Z\csc &\Z\exp & \Z\ker &\Z\limsup &\Z\min &\Z\sinh \\ \Z\arcsin &\Z\cosh &\Z\deg &\Z\gcd & \Z\lg &\Z\ln &\Z\Pr &\Z\sup \\ \Z\arctan &\Z\cot &\Z\det &\Z\hom & \Z\lim &\Z\log &\Z\sec &\Z\tan \\ \Z\arg &\Z\coth &\Z\dim &\Z\inf & \Z\liminf &\Z\max &\Z\sin &\Z\tanh \end{tabular} \caption{Log-like Symbols}\label{log} \end{table} \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{*8l} \X( &\X) &\X\uparrow &\X\Uparrow \\ \X[ &\X] &\X\downarrow &\X\Downarrow \\ \X\{ &\X\} &\X\updownarrow &\X\Updownarrow \\ \X\lfloor &\X\rfloor &\X\lceil &\X\rceil \\ \X\langle &\X\rangle &\X/ &\X\backslash \\ \X| &\X\| \end{tabular} \caption{Delimiters\label{dels}} \end{table} \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{*8l} \Y\rmoustache& \Y\lmoustache& \Y\rgroup& \Y\lgroup\\[5pt] \Y\arrowvert& \Y\Arrowvert& \Y\bracevert \end{tabular} \caption{Large Delimiters\label{ldels}} \end{table} \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{*{10}l} \W\hat{a} &\W\acute{a} &\W\bar{a} &\W\dot{a} &\W\breve{a}\\ \W\check{a} &\W\grave{a} &\W\vec{a} &\W\ddot{a} &\W\tilde{a}\\ \end{tabular} \caption{Math mode accents}\label{accent} \end{table} \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{*4l} \W\widetilde{abc} &\W\widehat{abc} \\ \W\overleftarrow{abc} &\W\overrightarrow{abc} \\ \W\overline{abc} &\W\underline{abc} \\ \W\overbrace{abc} &\W\underbrace{abc} \\[5pt] \W\sqrt{abc} &$\sqrt[n]{abc}$&\verb|\sqrt[n]{abc}| \\ $f'$&\verb|f'| &$\frac{abc}{xyz}$&\verb|\frac{abc}{xyz}| \end{tabular} \caption{Some other constructions}\label{other} \end{table} \ifx\selectfont\undefined\expandafter\stop\fi \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{*8l} \X\ulcorner&\X\urcorner&\X\llcorner&\X\lrcorner \end{tabular} \caption{AMS Delimiters\label{ams-del}} \end{table} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{*8l} \X\dashrightarrow &\X\dashleftarrow &\X\leftleftarrows &\X\leftrightarrows \\ \X\Lleftarrow &\X\twoheadleftarrow &\X\leftarrowtail &\X\looparrowleft \\ \X\leftrightharpoons &\X\curvearrowleft &\X\circlearrowleft &\X\Lsh \\ \X\upuparrows &\X\upharpoonleft &\X\downharpoonleft &\X\multimap \\ \X\leftrightsquigarrow &\X\rightrightarrows &\X\rightleftarrows &\X\rightrightarrows \\ \X\rightleftarrows &\X\twoheadrightarrow &\X\rightarrowtail &\X\looparrowright \\ \X\rightleftharpoons &\X\curvearrowright &\X\circlearrowright &\X\Rsh \\ \X\downdownarrows &\X\upharpoonright &\X\downharpoonright &\X\rightsquigarrow \end{tabular} \caption{AMS Arrows\label{ams-arrows}} \end{table} \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{*8l} \X\nleftarrow &\X\nrightarrow &\X\nLeftarrow &\X\nRightarrow \\ \X\nleftrightarrow&\X\nLeftrightarrow \end{tabular} \caption{AMS Negated Arrows\label{ams-narrows}} \end{table} \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{*4l} \X\digamma &\X\varkappa \end{tabular} \caption{AMS Greek\label{ams-greek}} \end{table} \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{*6l} \X\beth &\X\daleth &\X\gimel \end{tabular} \caption{AMS Hebrew\label{ams-hebrew}} \end{table} \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{*8l} \X\hbar &\X\hslash &\X\vartriangle &\X\triangledown \\ \X\square &\X\lozenge &\X\circledS &\X\angle \\ \X\measuredangle&\X\nexists &\X\mho &\X\Finv$^u$ \\ \X\Game$^u$ &\X\Bbbk$^u$ &\X\backprime &\X\varnothing \\ \X\blacktriangle&\X\blacktriangledown&\X\blacksquare&\X\blacklozenge \\ \X\bigstar &\X\sphericalangle &\X\complement &\X\eth \\ \X\diagup$^u$ &\X\diagdown$^u$ \end{tabular} $^u$ Not defined in {\tt amssymb.sty}, define using the \verb|\newsymbol| command. \caption{AMS Miscellaneous\label{ams-misc}} \end{table} % \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{*8l} \X\dotplus &\X\smallsetminus&\X\Cap &\X\Cup \\ \X\barwedge &\X\veebar &\X\doublebarwedge&\X\boxminus \\ \X\boxtimes &\X\boxdot &\X\boxplus &\X\divideontimes \\ \X\ltimes &\X\rtimes &\X\leftthreetimes&\X\rightthreetimes \\ \X\curlywedge &\X\curlyvee &\X\circleddash &\X\circledast \\ \X\circledcirc &\X\centerdot &\X\intercal \end{tabular} \caption{AMS Binary Operators\label{ams-bin}} \end{table} \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{*8l} \X\leqq &\X\leqslant &\X\eqslantless &\X\lesssim \\ \X\lessapprox &\X\approxeq &\X\lessdot &\X\lll \\ \X\lessgtr &\X\lesseqgtr &\X\lesseqqgtr &\X\doteqdot \\ \X\risingdotseq &\X\fallingdotseq&\X\backsim &\X\backsimeq \\ \X\subseteqq &\X\Subset &\X\sqsubset &\X\preccurlyeq\\ \X\curlyeqprec &\X\precsim &\X\precapprox &\X\vartriangleleft\\ \X\trianglelefteq&\X\vDash &\X\Vvdash &\X\smallsmile \\ \X\smallfrown &\X\bumpeq &\X\Bumpeq &\X\geqq \\ \X\geqslant &\X\eqslantgtr &\X\gtrsim &\X\gtrapprox \\ \X\gtrdot &\X\ggg &\X\gtrless &\X\gtreqless \\ \X\gtreqqless &\X\eqcirc &\X\circeq &\X\triangleq \\ \X\thicksim &\X\thickapprox &\X\supseteqq &\X\Supset \\ \X\sqsupset &\X\succcurlyeq &\X\curlyeqsucc &\X\succsim \\ \X\succapprox &\X\vartriangleright&\X\trianglerighteq&\X\Vdash \\ \X\shortmid &\X\shortparallel&\X\between &\X\pitchfork \\ \X\varpropto &\X\blacktriangleleft&\X\therefore &\X\backepsilon\\ \X\blacktriangleright&\X\because \end{tabular} \caption{AMS Binary Relations\label{ams-rel}} \end{table} % \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{*8l} \X\nless &\X\nleq &\X\nleqslant &\X\nleqq \\ \X\lneq &\X\lneqq &\X\lvertneqq &\X\lnsim \\ \X\lnapprox &\X\nprec &\X\npreceq &\X\precnsim \\ \X\precnapprox &\X\nsim &\X\nshortmid &\X\nmid \\ \X\nvdash &\X\nvDash &\X\ntriangleleft&\X\ntrianglelefteq\\ \X\nsubseteq &\X\subsetneq &\X\varsubsetneq&\X\subsetneqq \\ \X\varsubsetneqq&\X\ngtr &\X\ngeq &\X\ngeqslant \\ \X\ngeqq &\X\gneq &\X\gneqq &\X\gvertneqq \\ \X\gnsim &\X\gnapprox &\X\nsucc &\X\nsucceq \\ \X\nsucceqq$^u$ &\X\succnsim &\X\succnapprox &\X\ncong \\ \X\nshortparallel&\X\nparallel &\X\nvDash &\X\nVDash \\ \X\ntriangleright&\X\ntrianglerighteq&\X\nsupseteq&\X\nsupseteqq\\ \X\supsetneq &\X\varsupsetneq&\X\supsetneqq &\X\varsupsetneqq \end{tabular} $^u$ Not defined in {\tt amssymb.sty}, define using the \verb|\newsymbol| command. \caption{AMS Negated Binary Relations\label{ams-nrel}} \end{table} % \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{*4l} &\tt newlfont/margid&\tt oldlfont/nomargid&Requried style option\\ \hline $\mathrm{ABCdef}$ &\verb|\mathrm{ABCdef}| &\verb|{\mathrm ABCdef}| & \\ $\cal{ABC}$ &\verb|\cal{ABC}| &\verb|{\cal ABC}| & \\ $\EuScript{ABC}$ &\verb|\EuScript{ABC}| &\verb|{\EuScript ABCdef}| &{\tt euscript} \\ $\frak{ABCdef}$ &\verb|\frak{ABCdef}| &\verb|{\frak ABCdef}| &{\tt amsfonts} or {\tt amssymb} \\ $\Bbb{ABC}$ &\verb|\Bbb{ABC}| &\verb|{\Bbb ABC}| &{\tt amsfonts} or {\tt amssymb} \\ $\mathcyr{ABCdef}$ &\verb|\mathcyr{ABCdef}| &\verb|{\mathcyr ABCdef}| &{\tt cyrillic} \end{tabular} \caption{Math Alphabets\label{alphabets}} \end{table} \end{document}